Temari is an ancient Japanese needle work technique. It was considered a symbol of perfection. It is a gift given in joy and happiness. It's origins go even further back in time to China, where the image of the dragon holding the flaming pearl in it's claw is common. The pearl is thought to have been a Temari. This object also known as a thread ball was used in several different ways through out it's history. As a toy, as an article for competition between ladies of the court to show whose was better, brighter, more subtle, more opulent, etc. As a games at court object. Today this same "thread ball" is most often seen as folk art. There are collector's who specialize in Temari. Today's Temari as in the past are given to commemorate special occasions. Some even contain a bell or noise maker of some sort at the core. The design principles are all the basic laws governing geometrical constructions. The spheres presented here range in size from 2.5'' diameter up to 6'' diameter. The major differences in complexity come from the number of centers presented on each sphere. 2-6-8-12-20-32, each level adds design complexity and diversity. The color pallet is unlimited, even the same design features done in alternate colors changes the finished whole completely. Enjoy.